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                 toilets and things to do with them 
 Do you ever wonder what other types of toilets there are, why toilets were created, if there are rules for going to the toilet or after going, where the word crap came from, and who invented toilet paper. To top my speech off I will blow your minds away with toilet humor. All this should keep you occupied for a while.

Toilets were created because houses started to stink, in other words people did their stuff when ever, wherever they wanted. At first toilets were used in courtyards then moved inside. Man had used many types of toilets. For example chamber pots, which were cleaned manually by servants or slaves.

All over the world there are different toilets. The different types of toilets are squat toilets (which originate from Japan), the chemical toilet, flush toilet, a toilet with a built- in bidet, urinals, wall and gutter type urinals, big bath tub style urinals, and the high-tech toilet that measures your body temperature and analyses your urine and reports it to your doctor via an internet connection.

There are quite a few rules for cleaning yourself after urinating and taking a dump. In India it is common to use water to clean yourself after doing your thing. In South India people eat with their right hand, and think it’s disgusting to use the same hand to clean themselves, so they use their left hand for sanitary purposes. The rich used to use wool or hemp for ablution. The poor had used grass, stone, or sand or water depending upon the country and weather conditions or social customs. The use of newspaper was also common. In 1857, a man by the name Joseph Cayetty had invented the use of toilet paper, this is convenient to use because it is absorbent, as well as compact and within reach while defecating.

The word crap came from a plumber by the name Thomas Crapper. He owned a company called Thomas Crapper and Co’s. Common myth has it that he invented the flush toilet, however none of the patents he held were related to this device. Hmm, interesting.

Well, now with no further ado I give you toilet humor. I’m going to tell you a few better words to use than saying I got to go pee. They are: draining the main vein, draining the one-eyed monster, leek the lizard, seeing a man about a dog (or a horse), training Thomas on the Terracotta and many many more.

In conclusion I think toilets and toilet products have become very handy in our daily lives. If we had not invented toilets or toilet products life would be very different. Houses would smell, and our hygiene wouldn’t be at the levels that they are now.