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Boy Scouts


Boy Scouts consists of several ranks that can be reached through different tasks and accomplishments. All in all, there are seven ranks to get, including Eagle Scout, the final and most difficult rank to achieve. The first rank is Scout. This can be done in a week or two. The requirements for advancement get progressively harder as you go on. After Scout comes Tenderfoot. Tenderfoot is still a relatively low rank, and is almost as easy to get as the Scout rank is. After Tenderfoot is Second Class. From Second Class onward, the ranks require certain Merit Badges to get the rank. Merit Badges are almost ranks in themselves. There are hundreds of different badges to be earned, from Salesmanship to Shotgun Shooting. Certain ranks require certain badges (called Eagle-required) to be earned. Some requirements for ranks simply specify a number of Merit Badges to be earned. These can be whatever you want, as long as you get the number of badges needed. Higher ranks require more badges, both Eagle-required and ones of your choice. To get the rank of Eagle, you must have a minimum of 21 badges. After Second Class is First Class. First Class is a sort of milestone in the ranks. It is halfway to Eagle. It also qualifies you to become a leader in the troop. The troop consists of several patrols of roughly 6-10 people. At First Class, you can run to be leader of a patrol as Patrol Leader, or on the entire troop, as Senior Patrol Leader. After First Class is Star Scout. This is not a particularly important rank, because nothing new happens when you reach it. The rank after it is Life Scout. Eagle Scout is the final rank, and by far the hardest to get. To get Eagle, you must plan and carry out (with the help of the troop) a service project that benefits the community. These projects usually involve the repair or construction of benches or tables for parks or other public areas. At the age of 18, you must leave the troop, so if you plan to get your Eagle, you must get it before then.

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